Iceland Volcano: Kerlingarfjöll volcano

Iceland Volcano: Kerlingarfjöll volcano
Kerlingarfjöll volcano Data:
  • Stratovolcano 1488 m (4,882 ft)
  • SW Iceland, 64.63°N / 19.32°W
  • Current status: dormant (1 of 5)
  • Typical eruption style: effusive and explosive.
  • Eruptions from Kerlingarfjöll: None during historic times
  • Kerlingarfjöll is a glacially dissected, largely Pleistocene rhyolitic central volcano located SW of the Hofsjökull icecap.

Kerlingarfjöll volcano Background:
Steep-sided Pleistocene rhyolitic lava domes and numerous hot springs occupy two calderas at the center of the 5 x 7 km wide complex. Holocene flank fissures on the NE side produced the Illahraun lava flow, which traveled more than 20 km to the south. Fumarolic activity at Kerlingarfjöll, mostly concentrated in the center of the complex, is the most vigorous in Iceland.
Iceland Volcano

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