Iceland Volcano: Lysuhóll volcano

Iceland Volcano: Lysuhóll volcano

Volcano Data :
  • Pyroclastic cones 540 m (1,772 ft)
  • Iceland, 64.87°N / -23.25°W
  • Current status: dormant (1 of 5)
  • Typical eruption style: Strombolian eruptions, lava fountains and lava flows.
  • Eruptions from Lysuhóll: None during historic times
  • Lysuhóll is Iceland's smallest volcanic system.

Lysuhóll Volcano Background:
It consists of a chain of small alkali olivine basaltic cinder cones and vents along a WNW-ESE line cutting across the central Snaefellsnes Peninsula in western Iceland.

The slightly arcuate line of Quaternary vents extends to the northern coast of the peninsula. Lysuhóll is the central of three volcanic systems occupying the peninsula. The latest eruption from Lysuhóll is undated, but the volcanic field has been active during the Holocene.

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